Saturday, February 12, 2011

APPLE CUP 2010: Time To Exorcise Some Demons – CougCenter

October 28th, 2006.  It's my senior year at Washington State.  I'm sitting in my house with some friends watching the Cougs take on UCLA.  DeMaundray Woolridge rumbles for a game clinching touchdown that gives the Cougs their sixth win of the year, making them bowl eligible with three games to play.  My friends and I are making bowling motions.  I declare that it is nice to finish my college career the same way it started, with a good Cougar football team. Fast forward three weeks to November 18th, 2006.  The Cougs come into the Apple cup having lost their previous two games and will actually require won more win to guarantee a trip to a bowl.  Situation sound familiar? It is exactly what the Huskies face today (Except for the fact that they are trying to get to 6 wins, and will go to a high-profile, decent payout bowl if they do.

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