Saturday, February 12, 2011

Christina Aguilera & Matthew Rutler’s Relationship Goes Back A Ways

In mid-November we got to see what we thought was the first photo of the newly single Christina Aguilera out on a date with her new man Matthew Rutler (a relationship she confirmed just last week to People magazine) but the pair have been hanging out together … for a while. We knew that that [...]

Yesterday afternoon, I met up with Darion and a bunch of his peeps at Royal/T Cafe, Shop, Artspace in Culver City, CA so that we could grab some dessert and check out the new Tron: Legacy pop-up shop that is there for the next few weeks. It was really great getting to see Darion and everyone … I hadn’t seen any of them for a long time. I got to meet little Miss Flynn for the first time, the beautiful daughter of Darion’s good friends Julie and Vince:

In all honesty, I wasn’t at all impressed with the Royal/T place overall. The service in the cafe was horrid, the art was … nonexistent … and the pop-up shop was full of outrageously overpriced items. The best part of the visit was getting to hang out with everyone, especially Flynn who is the cutest little nugget ever! OY! That baby is so cute … it was all I could do to keep from eating up her teeny-weeny toes!

After this hangout session, David and I met up with Jordan and a group of his friends for a belated birthday dinner at BLD. We had so much fun getting to celebrate Jordan and getting to know better his great group of friends. Despite the rain, Sunday was a pretty rad day. Today beings a whole new week! Tonight I’m heading out to a Star Wars: The Clone Wars screening in Hollywood … and on Wednesday, I fly back to Detroit for the rest of the week. We are just weeks away from the end of 2010 … can you believe it?!

salle reception
Juan Gris
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